Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Year 1 Pine: Miss Walker

Year 1 Pine: 2024-2025
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 1, Elm and Pine Class, Year 1: The Blue Penguin
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 1, Elm and Pine Class, Year 1: Geography
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 1, Pine and Elm Class, Year 1: Who am I?
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 1, Elm and Pine Class, Year 1: Science
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Topic webs and letters
2024 - 2025

Year 1 Term 2

Year 1 Term 1

Click to see our topic web archive.

Meet the teacher - Miss Walker
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
It is a pleasure to work in the Holy Cross community where I joined in 2022. I enjoy teaching Pine Class and creating a stimulating and exciting classroom.

Outside of school I enjoy reading books and learning about new topics. My favourite topic to learn about is history and I try to visit castles/ old estates as often as I can to extend my knowledge. I also enjoy taking photos of nature when I can get out with my camera.
Click to see our gallery archive.

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Queen's Drive
Telephone: 01793 527679
Email: admin@holycross.swindon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs S Dowdeswell
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