2024-2025 |
Term 2, Year 2: Great Fire of London
Term 2, Cedar Class, Year 2: Fire Station Visit
Term 2, Year 2: Parental Engagement Maths Session
Term 2, Year 2: History – Fire Station visit linked to The Great Fire of London
| Term 2, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Macbeth: Writing
Term 2, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Conscience Alley
Term 2, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Parental Engagement session.
Term 2, Chaplaincy: Getting ready for Advent
Term 2, Chaplaincy: Visit to Wemyss Lodge
Term 2, Year 4: Christmas!
Term 2, Alder Class, Year 5: Design Technology - Cooking
Term 2, Alder Class, Year 5: History - Benin
Term 2, Alder Class, Year 5: Science
Term 2, Alder Class, Year 5: Computing - Nets
Term 2, Aspen Class, Year 5: Clockwork
Term 2, Aspen Class, Year 5: Computing - Nets
Term 2, Year 4: RE – Christ the King
Term 2, Year 4: Swimming
Term 2, Aspen Class, Year 5: Design Technology - Cooking
Term 2, Chaplaincy: All Saints
Term 2, Chaplaincy: Christ the King cookies
Term 2, Chaplaincy: Commissioning day in Clifton cathedral
Term 2, Oak Class, EYFS: Nativity Scene and PCSO’s Visit
Term 2, Sycamore Class, Year 6: Exciting Activities
Term 2, Year 4: Cinderella - Pantomime
Term 2, Year 4: Parental Engagement – Times Tables
Term 2, Oak Class, EYFS: Whatever Next and Tootbrushing
Term 2, Oak Class, EYFS: Elephants and Peacocks
Term 2, Oak Class, EYFS: Postmen and Postwomen
Term 2, Elm and Pine Class: History - How have toys changed over time?
Term 2, The Choir and Indian Dancers - The Enchanted Light Evening at Town Gardens
Term 2, Gardening Club: Introductions
Christmas Nativity Service 2024-25
Mini Police – Session 2, Communication 2024-25
Mini Police - Introductory Session 2024-25
Term 2, Willow Class, Year 3: Parental Engagement – Advent Art
Term 2, After School Club: Winter Theme
Term 2, Maple Class, Year 3: Parental Engagement – Advent Art
Term 2, Maple Class, Year 3: Shaduf Making
Term 2, Ash Class, EYFS: Police community support officer (PCSO) Visit
Term 2, Ash Class, EYFS: Parental Engagement Phonics
Term 2, Ash Class, EYFS: RE
Term 2, Year 3 and 4: Football Crazy
Term 2, Elm and Pine Class, Year 1: English
Term 2, Ash Class, EYFS: The Big Smile
Term 2, Elm and Pine Class, Year 1: Stories from the Bible
Term 1, Alder and Aspen Class, Year 5: Day out at our local art and museum
Term 1, Larch Class, Year 4: English- Edward Tulane
Term 1, Alder and Aspen Class, Year 5: Geography – Eastern Europe
Key Stage 2 Mass of Description
Term 1, Larch Class, Year 4: Science- Circuits
Term 1, Maple Class, Year 3: Maple Class Assembly
Term 1, Hazel Class, Year 4: Science – Electricity
Term 1, Larch Class, Year 4: The Romans
Term 1, Elm and Pine Class, Year 1: Science
Term 1, Cedar Class, Year 2: Baking Biscuits
Term 1, Larch Class, Year 4: RE- Abraham
Term 1, Larch Class, Year 4: Hello Yellow Day/Mental Health Day
Term 1, Hazel Class, Year 4: English - Edward Tulane
Term 1, Sycamore Class, Year 6: What was life like on the home front?
Term 1, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Osmosis Science Investigation
Term 1, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Poetry by Andrew Fusek
Term 1, Cedar Class, Year 2: Geography Fieldwork
Term 1, Larch Class, Year 4: Computing- Times Table Checker
Term 1, Hazel Class, Year 4: The Romans
Term 1, Hazel Class, Year 4: RE – Creation and Covenant
Term 1, Oak Class, EYFS: World Mental Health Day
Term 1, Oak Class, EYFS: Maths
Term 1, Oak Class, EYFS: Phonics
Term 1, Willow Class, Year 3 - Hello Yellow Day
Term 1, Oak Class, EYFS: Welcome
Term 1, Oak Class, EYFS: RE - Creation
Term 1, Pine and Elm Class, Year 1: Who am I?
Term 1, After School Club: Autumn Theme
Term 1, Year 3 Art: Egyptian Mono Printing
Term 1, Year 3 History - Making a Mummy Instructions
Term 1, Holy Rood vs Holy Cross
Term 1, Hazel Class, Year 4: Computing – Times Tables
Year 3, Term 1, Art: Egyptian Headdresses
Year 3, Term 1, Art: Egyptian Headdresses
Term 1, Year 3 Science: Magnets
Term 1, Year 3: R.E Letter to the World
Term 1, Year 5: Science Day!
Term 1, Ash Class, EYFS: Yellow Day
Term 1, Ash Class, EYFS: Walk Outside
Term 1, Ash Class, EYFS: Subitising
Term 1, Ash Class, EYFS: Phonics
Term 1, Ash Class, EYFS: Outdoor Learning
Term 1, Ash Class, EYFS: Maths
Term 1, Ash Class, EYFS: Construction table
Term 1, Elm and Pine Class, Year 1: Geography
Term 1, Hazel Class, Year 4: Hello Yellow Day/Mental Health Day
Term 1, Alder and Aspen Class, Year 5: Art - 3D sculptures
Term 1, Beech Class, Year 2: DT - Biscuit Making
Maths |
Term 2, Elm and Pine Class, Year 1: Maths Parental Engagement
Term 1, Ash Class, EYFS: Maths
Term 2, Willow Class, Year 3: Times Table Work
Term 2, Cedar Class, Year 2: Fantastic Maths
Reading: Please visit our Book Reviews page. |
Recommended Reading By Year Group
Books for KS1 learners aged 4-7 | School Reading List
Books for KS2 learners aged 7-11 | School Reading List |
Term 1, Alder and Aspen Class, Year 5: Virtual author visit - Katherine Rundell
Earlier in the term, year 5 children enjoyed an engaging virtual visit from best-selling author Katherine Rundell. She spoke about her new book, Impossible Creatures, and shared with the children what motivates and inspires her when writing. She advised any budding authors to begin by asking a ‘What if?’ question that could then be answered throughout the book and suggested that a good way to engage readers was by using the five senses when describing settings and scenes. As she came towards the end of her visit, she left the children with the thought that: A good writer has curiosity and wants to learn about the world. |
Term 1, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Goodnight Mr Tom
Term 1, Larch Class, Year 4: Guided Reading
Term 1, Hazel Class, Year 4: Guided Reading - Danny the Champion of the World
Term 1, Year 2: English Letter to Postman Robin
Term 1, Elm and Pine Class, Year 1: The Blue Penguin
Book Hooks: Please visit our Book Reviews page. |
Term 2, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Book Hook
Term 2, Year 6: Book Hook – William Shakespeare’s Macbeth
| Term 2, Elm and Pine Class, Year 1: English
Term 1, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Book Hook – Goodnight Mr Tom
Term 1, Year 2: Book Hook
Writing |
Term 2, Alder Class, Year 5: Clockwork
Term 1, Alder and Aspen Class, Year 5: English – Cosmic
Term 2, Maple Class, Year 3: Who were the Ancient Egyptians?
Term 2, Maple Class, Year 3: Egyptian Cinderella