Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Let's Celebrate: 2024 - 2025
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Term 1, Alder and Aspen Class, Year 5: Geography – Eastern Europe
This term in Geography, Year 5 students have been exploring the fascinating region of Eastern Europe. Using atlases, they located and identified different countries in Eastern Europe, developing their map skills along the way.
The class also conducted research on the physical and human geography of Russia, Ukraine, and the UK, comparing key features of each country. Students presented their findings to the class, showcasing their knowledge and improving their presentation skills. They also created persuasive leaflets about Russia and presented all the researched information in their leaflets. It was a great learning experience, helping to broaden their understanding of this important region of the world!

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Queen's Drive
Telephone: 01793 527679
Email: admin@holycross.swindon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs S Dowdeswell
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