Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Catholic Life
Mission, Values and Ethos Chaplaincy
Catholic Social Teaching Liturgy and Prayer
Celebrations Our Parish
"This is an inclusive and nurturing school with positive relationships amongst staff and pupils. Pupils' behaviour in lessons and around the school is excellent. They are supportive of each other and show kindness." 

"Prayer unites the school community and is central to the life of the school."

Diocesan Inspection 2022

Mission, Values and Ethos

Our Mission
Learn, Grow, Love, Live
At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
we learn about ourselves and about the world,
We grow in faith,
we act with kindness, generosity and love
to ourselves and others.
We live life to the full and have a future full of hope .

Pupils at Holy Cross are growing to be:
Loving and Patient
Imaginative, Persevering and Resilient
Honest and Compassionate
Hopeful and Faith-filled
Eloquent and Truthful
Grateful and Generous

These are the values and virtues we help our pupils grow.

  1. To be established as an excellent Swindon Primary School where our core values drive great teaching and learning. Pupils’ experience of school is settled, happy and successful and they leave here well prepared for the next step in their life and education.

  2. To be connected and integrated, in tangible and positive ways, to our local communities – the town of Swindon, other Swindon schools, the Samuel Partnership of Swindon and Malmesbury Catholic Schools, and our local Catholic parishes.

  3. For strong governance, where senior leaders and governors look ahead and lead with clear vision and sound strategy. Pupils, staff and parents are valued stakeholders. There is clear and realistic succession planning and recruitment to both senior leadership and the governing body.

  4. Our school mission and values, the Catholic ethos of the school, shines through the words and actions of staff, pupils and governors.

  5. Pupils at Holy Cross experience a rich and broad educational curriculum which includes a range of opportunities to enhance learning and live life to the full - including exposure to music, the countryside, art, sports, charitable works and fundraising for others.
Mission Statement:

Chaplaincy 2024-2025
This year, our Chaplaincy Team had to be organised in a slightly different way. Due to the popularity of this club, we have decided to invite one year group every term, starting with our Year 6. The children have already been busy making and drafting their profiles to introduce themselves to the rest of the school. These are now on display in the prayer room. They will receive their official commissioning from Bishop Bosco on 8th November, when they will take part in a special celebration in Clifton Cathedral, Bristol. We are really looking forward to this.

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Click to see our Chaplaincy Teams' archive.

Meet the Chaplaincy Team 2023-2024
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
I wanted to join CT because I wanted to get closer to God (Natica from Chestnut)

I feel I can help the school because I can make sure the children are sensible in the prayer room and I can help raising money for charities (Joslyn – Chestnut)

I feel I can help the school because I can be a good role model to the younger children (Divina – Sycamore)

You get to do crafts and go to trips. It’s really fun and you should come too. (Yazmin – Chestnut)

I joined CT because I want to deepen my faith. (Karmela – Sycamore)

I want to set a good example and being a great role model by contributing in lessons and helping others (Joetta – Sycamore)

I can help the younger years by showing respect and following the catholic values ( Vanister – Chestnut)
Term 2, Chaplaincy: Getting ready for Advent
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 2, Chaplaincy: Visit to Wemyss Lodge
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 2, Chaplaincy: All Saints
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 2, Chaplaincy: All Saints
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 2, Chaplaincy: Christ the King cookies
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
RE Governor
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Charity Walk
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Prayer Room: Pentecost
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Prayer Room
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Rosary assembly
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
New lunchtime prayer
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Stations of the Cross in Saint Mary's School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
In School Chaplaincy Commissioning Day
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Easter Display in Prayer Room
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Charity event - PJ Day
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Prayer Room - No Greater Love
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Prayer Room - Advent and Christmas
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Last day for Chaplaincy Group 1 - Pancake Party
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Christ the King
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Chaplaincy Visit to Wemyss Lodge
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Harvest and Swindon Food Collective
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Commissioning Trip to Clifton Cathedral
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Meet the Chaplaincy Team 2022-2023
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
I joined the Chaplaincy Team because I want to do good things and have fun.  Also I want to learn about God.
I joined the Chaplaincy Team because I want to continue my journey from last year and because of the prayers.
I joined the Chaplaincy Team because of the arts and crafts.  We get to make pancakes and learn about Jesus.
I joined the Chaplaincy Team because I want to become closer to God and start a fresh.
I joined the Chaplaincy Team because it helps me become closer to God and we learn about God.  I like the crafts too.
I joined the Chaplaincy Team because we can know more about Jesus (deepen our faith).  Also, I like the teachers.
I feel I can help the school because helping is the key to kindness.
I feel I can help the school because this is a Catholic school and everyone is kind.
I feel I can help the school because I can help make decorations and posters and I enjoy doing it.
I feel I can help the school because everyday I can help others in the school by using the Catholic Social Teaching as my model.
My parents always told me to help the poor.  I can help the school by making children happy.
I can help the school by helping people in our school community.
I joined the Chaplaincy Team because of the lovely trips and arts activities.  Also, to meet the lovely kind and caring teachers who help to run the Chaplaincy group.
I joined the Chaplaincy Team because I want to learn more about Jesus.
I joined the Chaplaincy Team because it is fun and we learn about Jesus and we do lots of fun activities and trips.  I'm in the Chaplaincy and I will help everybody.
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
He likes football, swimming and doing science experiments
She feels like she can fulfill her mission and be a role model for the other children in her school
She loves doing gymnastics and wants to learn more about God
He likes playing guitar and is really good at Maths
He would like to get closer to God and learn more about RE
She likes cooking, arts and crafts. She would like to see her faith grow.
She likes looking after our Prayer Room and wants to be better at RE.
She wants to help people learn about God.
She likes to bake and spend time with her family.
She would like to help people whenever they are sad.
He likes reading and spending time in the Prayer Room.
She wants to fulfil her mission and help CAFOD too.
He wants to help people being kind and stop fighting.
She is looking forward to doing lots of fun things like crafts, baking, trips and acting in Chaplaincy Team.
She feels she can help the school by looking after our Prayer Room and helping poor people.
He wants to be kind, respectful and closer to God.
She loves God and wants to learn more about Him.
Certificate Presentation
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Ash Wednesday Service
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Swindon Night Shelter - PJ Day
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Rosary from the Samuel Partnership
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Prayer Room and Liturgical Calendar
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Commissioning Day in Downside Abbey (Radstock)
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Visiting Wemyss Lodge
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
"Pupil chaplaincy leaders have a key role in leading activities which support the Catholic life of the school." Diocesan Inspection 2022

Catholic Social Teaching

What is Catholic Social Teaching?
Our faith calls us to love God and to love our neighbours in every situation, especially our sisters and brothers living in poverty. Following in the footsteps of Christ, we hope to make present in our unjust and broken world, the justice, love, and peace of God.

What are the Principles of Catholic Social Teaching?

Dignity of the Human Person:
We believe every human person is made in the image and likeness of God. This is a gift that we all share as fellow human beings; we are all infinitely loved by our Creator.
God is present in every human person, regardless of religion, culture, nationality, orientation, or economic standing. Each one of us is unique and beautiful. We are called to treat every person and every creature with loving respect.

Family and Community:

The human person is not only sacred, but social. How society is organised be it socially, economically, legally, or politically has a direct impact on the dignity and growth of every human person and community. Marriage and family should be supported and strengthened. Every person has the right to work to support themselves and their families as well as the building up of the common good of all.

Solidarity and the Common Good:
Solidarity arises when we remember that we belong to each other. 
The common good means that the fruits of the earth belong to everyone. No one should be excluded from the gifts of creation. At the heart of solidarity is the pursuit of justice and peace. Our love for all calls us to work for a peaceful and just society where everyone has a fair share of the goods needed for a sustainable life, and opportunities for growth and development are offered equally. The dignity of every person is respected.

Option for the Poor and Vulnerable:
The option for the poor reminds us of God's preferential love for the poorest and most vulnerable people. God's love is universal; he does not side with oppressors but loves the humble. This preferential option for the poor and vulnerable must be seen in action in our daily lives and government policies.

Stewardship of God's Creation:

In the first pages of the Bible, we read how God created the sun and the stars, the water and earth, and every creature. We believe Christ is the redeemer of all creation.
In 2015, Pope Francis brought together decades of Church teaching in the encyclical, Laudato Si'. In this deeply influential letter, Pope Francis invites everyone on the planet to consider how our actions are affecting the earth and the poorest people. Everything is interconnected, and all of creation praises God. It is our Christian vocation to care for creation.

The Dignity of Work and the Rights of Workers:

Church teaching has upheld the dignity of work and participation. The human person should always come before the pursuit of profit. Workers have the right to join trade unions, to a just wage, to spend time with their families, and to rest. Work is an essential part of our human dignity and everyone has the right to participate.

Rights and Responsibilities:
Every person has the fundamental right to life. It is this right that makes all other rights possible. Everyone has the right to food, health care, housing, education, and employment. We all need to strive to secure and respect these rights for others both locally and globally.

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
7 Catholic social teaching principles | CAFOD

Liturgy and Prayer

"Prayer unites the school community and is central to the life of the school."
Diocesan Inspection 2022
At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School, the children are taught traditional Catholic prayers in certain year groups. These prayers can be used at home to support parents in developing their children's knowledge of prayer and to continue to develop their children's understanding of what the words mean to us as Christians today.

Children are introduced to a variety of different ways of praying:
  • quiet reflection / meditation
  • praying together
  • writing own prayers
  • prayers through music
  • learning traditional Christian / Catholic prayers
The children are also encouraged to lead their own liturgy and prayer sessions as they progress up the school.
Here is a selection of our prayers.
Take time to talk about the prayers and share them as often as you can.

Collective Worship in our school is an integral part of our ethos, aims and relationships and is a way of deepening our relationship with God together and individually. 

At Holy Cross Catholic Primary School we have a variety of Collective Worship:
  • Mass,
  • whole school Gospel assembly,
  • class liturgy and
  • daily traditional prayers.
All of our opportunities for Collective Worship ensure that children have time to think about their life and the world around them, to pray and to share their feelings and emotions Canon John Cunningham visits us regularly to say Mass and we also visit Mass weekly at Holy Rood Church.


Christmas Nativity Service 2024-25
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Key Stage 2 Mass of Description
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Our Prayer Room
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Harvest Collection
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Exaltation of the Cross
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Collective Worship
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Easter Egg Hunt
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Easter in a Box
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Easter Gardens
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Palm Sunday
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
After School Clubs - Easter
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Poppy Appeal
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Harvest Collection
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Our Prayer Room
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Christmas Carol Service and Nativity Scene
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Clifton Diocese Mass
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Easter Reflection
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
RE Creation - Visit to Richard Jefferies Museum
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Creation topic Year 1
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 1 Prayer Topic
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Clifton Diocese Schools Water Pump Project
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Harvest Mass
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 4 Creation
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Feast Of The Holy Cross
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
House Points
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Reflection Areas
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Pentecost Mass
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Catholic Social Teaching
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Easter Displays
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Sponsored Walk
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
The Lenten Tree
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Our Parish

"Pupils appreciate the strong links with the parish and the opportunities for the school to use Holy Rood church for whole school worship and celebrations. Parishioners in return are extremely positive about the attendance of pupils at the parish Mass and parish events."
Diocesan Inspection 2022

The Parish of Holy Rood is a friendly and harmonious Catholic community with multicultural and socially mixed congregation, situated in the centre of Swindon.

Our local Parish Priest is Canon John Cunningham, who the school has very close links with.

This Christian community of worship, prayer and service supports each other and engage with other Christians and members of other faiths.

The school is involved in many activities within the parish served.  The children thoroughly enjoy attending different masses or services within their local church.  Our Harvest Mass in particular, is a very special occasion when the children gather together to celebrate and lead the church community. 
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Parish website
Diocesan website

Parish email:

Parish Newsletters:
Holy Rood
Holy Family
St Peter's  

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Queen's Drive
Telephone: 01793 527679
Email: admin@holycross.swindon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs S Dowdeswell
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