
Hello and welcome to our amazing school. I am so proud to be the headteacher of Holy Cross Catholic Primary School where working alongside the wonderful staff and pupils is an absolute privilege.
As a headteacher, I am often asked what makes our school special? This is such a difficult question to answer – after all, what makes an 'ordinary' school 'extraordinary'? Parents and visitors frequently tell me that there is a special 'feel' to our school and whilst I wholeheartedly agree, this is tricky to put into words; however, let me try...
I will start with the Holy Cross curriculum which has been designed to provide unique and diverse opportunities that will inspire a lifelong passion for learning, and this extends far beyond the academic subjects traditionally thought of when 'curriculum' is discussed. Our children have opportunities to live out our mission of 'Learn, Love, Grow, Live' so that they succeed as happy and ambitious individuals in a community where they have a voice and a sense of belonging. Children are given the opportunity to apply skills learnt within the classroom to their own world and this is when learning becomes real and exciting. Whether using their maths skills to calculate the costs of seeds for the gardening club; using their English skills and geographical knowledge to write to the prime minister about climate change; or making bread and fruit smoothies to support their science topic on healthy eating, learning at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School is fun, purposeful and engaging.
As a headteacher, I fully believe that alongside a great curriculum, for learning to be fully effective there needs to be outstanding behaviour built around a solid culture of respect and dignity. Our curriculum, our moral values and our relationships stem from gospel values where we strive to reflect God's loving presence in all that we do. Close links to our local parish strengthens the bond between home, school and church and a strong community has been created where every individual is respected and valued. Behaviour at our school is consistently referred to as 'excellent' or 'outstanding' and this makes our school an absolute pleasure to part of.
And finally, there's the physical environment. Whilst from the road our school could be accused of looking a little 'uninspiring', step in through the front door or the gates and you will be presented with a fantastic learning environment where children benefit from collaborative working hubs; classrooms with direct access to outside space; inspiring libraries; music and arts facilities; and a wide range of sporting equipment for all. A happy, vibrant space where all are welcome and diversity allows difference to be not only accepted, but celebrated.
So, in answer to the original question, I believe all of these things are what make our school so special. Our school is a community where all are welcomed, valued and celebrated: a community that I am so very proud to be a part of.
Mrs S Dowdeswell