Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Year 3 Maple: Mrs Milsom & Mrs Silva

English Story Writing - Year 3, Term 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Art, 3D Sculpture - Year 3, Term 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Design Technology Book Bag Making - Year 3, Term 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Volcanoes - Year 3, Term 5
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 3: Book Hook Term 5
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 3 - Avebury Trip
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 3 Science Week Term 5
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 3: Bread Making
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Collective Worship
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 3: Bridget Wilkinson
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 3 Book Hook Term 4
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 3, Term 3 Celebrations, Coasts
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
National Storytelling Week in Year 3
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Maths Week in Year 3
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 3 Students Dived into Levers, Linkages, and Pivots!
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
LPA Football
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 3, Term 1 Celebrations – Ancient History
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Topic webs and letters
2024 - 2025

Year 3 Term 1

Click to see our topic web archive.

Meet the teacher - Mrs Milsom
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Hello - my name is Mrs Milsom. I am extremely lucky to have been a part of the Holy Cross school family for the past 29 years. I currently work in Year 3 and am the science lead for the school. I have taught in Year 4 through to Year 5 and have carried out intervention work in Year 6. I love being a teacher, encouraging children to explore, learn and have fun.

I grew up in Leicester and moved to Swindon when I was 13 years of age. I trained for 4 years at Trinity and All Saints College in Leeds, affiliated to Leeds university. I have a Batchelor's degree in Geography with Qualified Teacher Status.

I am married and have one son who is currently on a 5-year Degree apprenticeship course in aeronautical engineering.

I love teaching, especially teaching about the world in which we live, both through geography and science. Looking at and exploring the world around us and seeing how amazing it all is, makes teaching so much fun! Teaching for me is extremely rewarding and it is a real privilege to watch the wonderful children of Holy Cross grow and learn; progressing both academically and non-academically. It is also an honour to work with families, as their children travel along their learning journey.

My Favourites:
Movie: The Lion King
Book: The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe
Colour: Blue
Sports: Cycling
Season: Summer
Animal: Dog
Hobby: Cooking

Meet the teacher - Mrs Silva
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
I consider myself lucky to be teaching at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School since 2019. This was a time that was tough on everyone due to the pandemic and I was blessed to be at Holy Cross Primary School to help during these challenging times. I qualified as a teacher in 2013 and worked in several schools before I decided to go to Goa, India for a while, where I also taught for about 3.5 years. Working at Holy Cross makes it extra special for me because my son also went to this school and I have made so many friends along the way. I work with an amazing team! It has also been such an honour to meet and work with so many lovely children and their families.

I am the Design and Technology Co-ordinator at Holy Cross Catholic Primary School and I enjoy being able to lead this subject for my sheer love of designing and creating things myself. In my spare time, I enjoy all sorts of craft, DIY, upcycling pretty much anything I can get hold of. Some of the things I have tried and enjoyed doing are sewing, upcycling furniture and cooking some exciting new dishes most of which form part of our DT curriculum at school. My biggest joy is in watching children have a go at things they haven’t tried before and seeing the satisfaction on their faces when they have achieved their goal.

I currently teach in year 3 on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday morning. The rest of the time, I work as a SENDCo assistant which is a new role I have started this academic year. I thoroughly enjoy working in this role with our lovely children and their families. I am passionate about ensuring all children receive the provision they need in order to be successful in school and reach their full potential.

Click to see our 2022-2023 gallery archive.

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Queen's Drive
Telephone: 01793 527679
Email: admin@holycross.swindon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs S Dowdeswell
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