Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 6 Chestnut: Mrs King and Year 6 Sycamore: Miss Vickers

Year 6 Chestnut: 2024-2025
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
We have all settled in our new class and are ready to tackle the challenges ahead in Year 6.
Year 6 Sycamore: 2024-2025
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 2, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Macbeth: Writing
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 2, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Conscience Alley
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 2, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Book Hook
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 2, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Parental Engagement session.
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 1, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Osmosis Science Investigation
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 1, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Book Hook – Goodnight Mr Tom
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 1, Chestnut Class, Year 6: Poetry by Andrew Fusek
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 2, Sycamore Class, Year 6: Exciting Activities
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 1, Sycamore Class, Year 6: How does our heart work and what is in our blood?
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Term 1, Sycamore Class, Year 6: What was life like on the home front?
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Topic webs and letters
2024 - 2025

Year 6 Term 4 Topic Web: What are natural disasters and how can we prepare for them?

Year 6 Term 3 Topic Web: What is sustainability?

Year 6 Term 1 and 2 Topic Web: What was it like on the Home Front? (Part 1)
Year 6 Term 1 and 2 Topic Web: What was it like on the Home Front? (Part 2)

Click to see our topic web archive.

Meet the teacher - Mrs King
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
I have been teaching for many years now and I really enjoy working at Holy Cross. I have taught in other Catholic schools and have a wide experience teaching across Years, 3, 4, 5 and 6. I am passionate about getting to know the children in my class and learning all about you, that way we can work hard and have plenty of fun throughout the year.

I enjoy teaching all lessons, but my absolute favourites are History, English, Geography, Maths and PE.

Outside of school, I spend most of my time with my family, walking my two dogs, taking my daughter to hockey matches and watching football – I am a massive Liverpool supporter! I also like to read, going to the theatre and travelling to interesting places.

Meet the teacher - Miss Vickers
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
It is a pleasure teaching at Holy Cross where I have taught Year 1 for several years and in Year 6. I aim to support children in realising and reaching their full potential. As a Year 6 teacher, I have had the privilege of supporting children with their transition from primary to secondary school.

I also enjoy just "chilling" and playing in the Raychem badminton team.

Click to see our gallery archive.

Year 6 Chestnut: 2023-2024
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 6 Sycamore: 2023-2024
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Summary of Term 6
Firstly, I want to congratulate all the children in both Chestnut and Sycamore classes. They have worked tirelessly throughout the school year, eager to improve in all of their learning and to grow in their independence. We have had a full-on term of experiences as well as continuing the important curriculum learning.

The term started with the much-anticipated PGL residential trip – 2 nights and 3 days away from home where the children were tasked with many different challenges they all rose to. Over the course of the residential in June, we were lucky enough to witness many of our children try new things and conquer some of their fears. A huge thank you has to go to all of the staff who accompanied the children on the trip, the children themselves who never gave up, and all of the parents who let us take their children away! Please look through the photos below to see some of your children in action completing the different activities.

The week after residential, we were off on the Junior Good Citizen trip where all of the children took part in different safety scenario workshops. They learnt how to keep themselves safe on the roads, near railways, drug awareness sessions, how to help their mental health during difficult times as well as online safety and stranger danger. We were impressed with their existing knowledge but they all learnt new things to help keep themselves safe.

By this time, auditions and rehearsals were well underway for our leavers’ production of ‘Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat’. So many songs were learnt and props were made ready for the performances to classes in Key Stage 2 and to their parents. To say that they blew us all away is an understatement! We witnessed wonderful singing, acting and dancing as well as the two classes really working well together. We are so proud of each and everyone of them and hope they enjoyed it and will take this memory with them to their respective new schools.

The Leaver’s Mass in Clifton Cathedral was another trip out of school where the children took part in the Mass lead by Bishop Bosco MacDonald. It was lovely to see their reverence and involvement on the day. Sadly, the weather let us down so we didn’t get to have a picnic and run around on the Downs.

Sports Day was their last one at primary school and we saw some wonderful sporting efforts and such supportive team mates in every house. It was a lovely day in the sun that was enjoyed by everyone.

Our Year 6s have also completed Bikeability training ensuring they are able to cycle safely on the roads whilst others were out on their secondary school transition days. All of our children came back with lots to tell us from their Year 7 experiences.

SATs results finally arrived after what has seems like a very long time ago since having taken them. Again, we are incredibly proud of all their academic achievements from both their SATs test but also the work done in lessons throughout the year.

Finally, we are at the end of the term, the end of the school year and will be saying goodbye to our current Year 6 children. We have loved teaching them and seeing them flourish so that they are ready to move on to their new schools. We wish them all the very best at St Joseph’s, Swindon Academy, Dorcan, Kingsdown, Lawn Manor, The Deanery and Ridgeway - we know you will continue to shine!

Goodbye and God bless
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
They worked their socks off!
Summary of Term 5

This term, Year 6 have been working tirelessly to prepare for their SATs and showed dedication and ownership in their individual preparations. In the mornings of SATs week, it was great to see so many children coming in to have breakfast with each other before the exams began and it was an excellent way to reduce stress and have a clear mind before starting the tests. Mrs King and I cannot emphasise enough how PROUD we are of each and every one of the children in Year 6 for their work and dedication. Well done!

In history we have been learning about the Victorian Era’s fascinating industrial revolution and the challenges that came with it. This has linked nicely into our English text, Street Child, set in the Victorian times. Year 6 have been delving deeper into the workings of the workhouse and have created non-chronological reports to inform people of why these places existed and what it was like to live in them.

To finish off this term, the end of year production was announced: Joseph. We look forward to all the wonderful singing and dancing in this musical showcase in July!

Next term will be the children's final one at Holy Cross, and with this comes a few memory making moments: our first ever residential; Junior Good Citizens; Clifton Leavers’ Mass; production madness; sports day.

It was important that after a lot of focus on SATs, that the children had some fresh air, fun and games. Here are a couple of photos of our rounders and basketball matches.
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Here is one example of the many non-chronological reports written by Year 6.
Term 3 Year 6
This term we have learnt about Gary Crew and Shaun Tan's book, The Viewer. We have learnt several techniques to help develop dramatic mystery stories including: parenthesis, fronted adverbials and semi colons. We have been creating our own mysteries stories based on this style of writing.
By Riha, Rhea, Bartosz, Vania, Jolanka and Karmela.
Year 6, Term 4
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
R.E. Revelations
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Geography - Sustainability
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
English - The Viewer
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Maths Week in Year 6
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 6 Tag rugby
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 6, Term 2 Celebrations – Where did the term go?
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 6, Term 1 Celebrations - What a fantastic term
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 6 Chestnut: 2022-2023
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 6 Sycamore: 2022-2023
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
End of Year 6 Celebrations
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Clifton Diocese Mass
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 6: Term 5 - Celebrations
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Year 6 - Term 4 Celebrations
Holy Cross Catholic Primary School

Holy Cross Catholic Primary School
Queen's Drive
Telephone: 01793 527679
Email: admin@holycross.swindon.sch.uk
Headteacher: Mrs S Dowdeswell
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